Archiwum dnia: 17 lutego 2023

Lindau – travel grant, moja ankieta

Link do ankiety


1. First name: Krystyna

2. Middle name(s)

3. Last name: Knypl

4. e-mail:

5. Pronouns she/her, he/him, they/them

6. Media /Organization/ Institution: Gazeta dla Lekarzy

7. Street: Niemcewicza 7/9 apt. 128

8. Postal code: 02-022

9. City: Warsaw

10. Phone: (+48) 603 – 477 – 844 or (+48) 601 – 922 – 844

11. Country: Poland

12. Please describe your specific interest in #LINO23 and its participants:

Medicine is one area of our lives that will experience significant changes on a scale not seen before in human history. These changes will be determined by: the implementation of artificial intelligence into medical practice, telemedicine as a form of first contact between the patient and the medical establishment, and new disease groups. Prominent scientists will play a significant role in both the implementation into practice and the transmission of the ideas of change to the younger generation. The opportunity to directly observe the forum for future changes, to participate in its backstage, provides a unique opportunity for a journalist to provide an honest narrative of what is coming.

Medycyna jest jednym z obszarów naszego życia, która doznaje bardzo dużych przemian na skalę nie spotykaną dotychczas w historii. Zmiany te będą wyznaczać: wdrożenie sztucznej inteligencji do praktyki lekarskiej, telemedycyna jako forma pierwszego kontaktu pacjenta z placówką medyczną oraz nowe grupy chorób. Wybitni naukowcy będą odgrywali znaczącą role zarówno we wdrażaniu do praktyki jak i przekazywaniu idei zmian młodemu pokoleniu. Możliwość bezpośredniej obserwacji forum przyszłych przemian, uczestniczenie w jego kuluarach stwarza dla dziennikarza niepowtarzalną szansę przekazania rzetelnej narracji tego co nadchodzi.

13. Young Scientists I am interested in – specific research areas/regions/countries:

I am interested in the achievements and plans of young scientists from China and Africa

14. Type and extent of your plans to cover the meeting:

I plan to write an article – a report on the conference (probably 2 or 3 episodes) reporting on the proceedings. The articles will be published in the Gazeta dla Lekarzy. The second channel of coverage is 2 or 3 columns on addressed to the global medical community. The third channel of coverage will be on my photoblog Modne Diagnozy (, as we know that one picture says more than a thousand words.

Planuję napisać artykuł – sprawozdanie z konferencji ( prawdopodobnie 2 lub 3 odcinki) relacjonujący przebieg obrad. Artykuły będą opublikowana na łamach Gazeta dla Lekarzy. Drugi kanał relacji to 2 felietony na adresowane do globalnej społeczności lekarskiej. Trzeci kanał relacji będzie na moim fotoblogu Modne Diagnozy (, jak wiemy jeden obraz mówi więcej niż tysiąc słów.

15. Planned media outlet:

Gazeta dla Lekarzy

16. Social media channels and your personal handles to promote your coverage:


Twitter (



Modne Diagnozy

17. Your current job position:

Gazeta dla Lekarzy: editor-in-chief

Sermo: community columnist

18. Please list the three most relevant stages of your CV

1. My first professional success is being a doctor with an active license to practice since 1968 ( more have obtained a specialty in internal medicine, a doctorate in cardiology, and the title of Specialist of the European Society of Hypertension. I am the author of many scientific papers published in peer-reviewed  journals. The highest-ranked paper of which I am a co-author ( published under my maiden name Krystyna Łapińska) is cited 34 times in the world literature. Other articles are cited 20 times. Thus, the total citation of my scientific publications is 54 times.

2. When I figured out that I could write more than a medical scientific articles, patients’ medical history or prescriptions, I started writing articles as a medical journalist. The result of my second profession is more than 800 articles published in more than 50 journals. Since 2016, I have been writing weekly columns for the  portal Sermo ( , access only for registred doctors), which gathers about 800,000 doctors from 150 countries. I am also the author of 23 books (scientific, fictional and science fiction) and more than 60 poems.

3. I have been the editor-in-chief and publisher of the non-profit magazine Gazeta  dla Lekarzy (GdL) since 2012. The overarching goal of my journal is to promote advances in medicine, health promotion, healthy aging, and knowledge of rare diseases. Members of the GdL editorial staff and authors are working as volunteers

19. Links to 2–3 samples of work

Daan corona or how the Senegalese defeat the pandemic

The most necessary thing in the future will be the ability to adapt

Control of hypertension – should doctors roll up their sleeves or open their minds to new forms of communication?
20. Attendance X

25 June 2023 X

26 June 2023 X

27 June 2023 X

28 June 2023 X

29 June 2023 X

30 June 2023 (Boat trip to Mainau Island) X

21. Approx. time of arrival at the Inselhalle (first day)?  1 p.m.

22. Date of birth 01/01/1945

23. Birthplace Łapy

24. Nationality Polish

25. Country of birth Poland

26. Comments/Questions:

I had a journalist accreditation in Lindau in 2007, more on monography cover and pages 35 -36

All my articles (also other authors) on are available in English – Google Translator is installed at the bottom of the website on the left.

27. I would like to receive the Annual Report 2023 as

a printed version to my stated address.

pdf download X

I am not interested in the report.

28. Consent to our privacy policy which determines the use of the data you provide in this form (e.g. your name).

I have read the privacy policy and agree with it.X

29. Please confirm the acceptance of our code of conduct:

I adhere to the code of conduct.